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Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy Implementation Committee Agenda

Monday 21 May 2007 at 2pm Council Chamber, Environment Canterbury, 58 Kilmore Street, Christchurch


UDS Independent Chair
Bill Wasley
Christchurch City Council
Mayor Garry Moore, Councillor Bob Parker and Councillor Sue Wells
Environment Canterbury
Sir Kerry Burke, Councillor Alec Neill and Councillor Richard Budd
Selwyn District Council
Mayor Michael McEvedy, Councillor Annette Foster and CouncillorĀ Malcolm Lyall
Waimakariri District Council
Mayor Jim Gerard, Councillor Kevin Felstead and CouncillorĀ Kath Adams

Committee Secretary
Warren Brixton
Telephone: 941 8439
Fax: 941 8696

A copy of the Full Agenda without Appendices is available.

Part A - Matters Requiring a Council Decision
Part B - Reports for Information
Part C - Delegated Decisions

Part C   1 Apologies
Part C   2 Appointment of Chair and Independent Chair Role
Part C   3 UDS Implementation Committee Terms of Reference
Part C   4 Strategy Implementation Structure and Diagram
Part C   5 Outstanding Matters - Recommendations from the Former UDS Forum
Part C   6 Strategic Partners Forum Establishment
Part C   7 Top 20 Actions
Part C   8 UDS Implementation Budget & Funding
Part C   9 Implementation Manager
Part C   10 Administration Authority Arrangements
Part C   11 Meeting Schedule and Venue Through to October 2007
Part C   12 Strategy Launch
Part C   13 Monthly Report - Chair, Implementation Manager
Part C   14 Draft Change to Regional Policy Statement
Part C   15 Proposed Variation to Proposed Natural Resources Regional Plan on Christchurch Groundwater Quality
Part C   16 Business Land Strategy
Part C   17 Resolution to Exclude the Public


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